Prevent Heart Disease

You may have heard it before, but it is worth repeating: Heart disease is the number one killer in America. Affecting men and women, one person dies every 36 seconds from heart disease. Each year it is responsible for every 1 in 4 deaths, according to the CDC. 

Heart disease is something we need to be proactive about preventing, as it affects so many. It has likely affected someone you know or love. 

It demands our attention if there are things we can do to prevent heart disease. So how can we think preventatively about heart disease and what actions can we take to improve our health as well as the health of our loved ones?

One word: Omega-3. 

In a recent study, published in Atherosclerosis, researchers discovered that reducing inflammation can help to improve heart health. The study compared the effects of two different types of omega-3 fatty acids, and it was determined that both EPA and DHA reduce inflammation which can help to prevent heart disease. 

It is therefore important to ensure that you receive both omega-3s and in proper proportions. 

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is equally as important for your heart health. There are lots of ways that you can increase your intake of omega-3s. Fish, for example, is a great source and comes with a variety of other health benefits. 

You should try to include as many dietary sources of omega-3s as you can, but sourcing omega-3s from food alone is not sufficient.

You need to supplement to ensure that your intake is effective and properly balanced.  This is what I recommend.  

Results from the study demonstrated that those who took an omega-3 supplement experienced lower inflammation. Both EPA and DHA reduce the production of inflammatory proteins in the body with DHA being the most effective. However, EPA alone was found to activate proteins and cells involved in the healing process. It is therefore a combination of the two that work together to both reduce inflammation and heal.  

While there is no exact amount of EPA and DHA that you should take in a day, it is recommended that men receive 1.6 grams and women 1.1 grams of omega-3s daily. This information comes from the National Institute of Health. 

A consistent diet of oily fish rich in omega-3s will help you to reach these levels, but it often isn’t enough and depends on how active you are, etc.

An omega-3 supplement will ensure that you receive quality omega-3s and proper amounts. Our Omega 3 is made with quality fish oil derived from anchovy, mackerel, clupeidae, and tilapia. Every serving works to support circulatory health, cognitive performance and normal, healthy triglyceride levels. Each serving contains 1000mg of fish oil formulated with 180mg of EPA to promote circulatory health and 120mg of DHA to support cognitive performance and overall brain health.

Both effective and well-priced, Omega 3 will ensure that along with a balanced diet and exercise, you will receive the omega-3s that you need to stay healthy and help prevent heart disease. 

Read more here about Omega-3’s and how they are good for your hormones too.

Please let me know in the comments if I can help you in any way!

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