There exists a fundamental flaw that we are all prone to make; we let our current circumstances affect our thoughts and our lives. The life we’re living, the relationships we have, the money, the job, the family – all of it. We look at the results we have today, and we let that determine how we think and how we feel. But what if, you could change your life and the way you view it?
Change your thoughts, change your life.
The results of our circumstances are what we are stuck with. We put ourselves into a cycle of recurring events. It becomes a cycle – a habit even – and one that is difficult to break out of. But you can alter this cycle and change your life with a conscious and guided effort.
When we deepen, what I call the “thought/feeling loop”, it is all based on yesterday’s thoughts and feelings. These thoughts and feelings are there because of the decisions we made in the past and the actions we took. I’m talking about yesterday, last week, last month, last year even.
These thoughts and feelings are pervasive and can continue to affect us for as long as we let them.
When we let our current results and revenues determine how we think, feel, and act, it’s as though we are speeding down the highway, but looking in the rear-view mirror. How terrifying! All of our past thoughts and feelings are ancient history. Each day presents itself with the possibility of new thoughts and feelings. We can truly change our lives with this approach. We can create new actions and absolutely transform our destiny.
Rear-view mirror thinking is a common cause of keeping people stuck.
There is no changing the past, but with stagnant thoughts and feelings, there is not changing the future either. It is important to determine what is important to you and to generate a clear vision. Your vision will serve as inspiration to set goals that have a time frame and that are crystal clear, specific, measurable, realistic and attainable.
Those who can truly grasp the power of vision will forever change their relationship to life. We are not limited by our abilities or by our current circumstances.
We are only limited by what we can see with our vision. Of course, it’s easy enough to create pictures in your mind because it comes naturally to humans. But sustaining a vision and making it big enough to work to your advantage is something else again.
How is it possible to sustain your vision if the state of your life today is far from what you want it to be? How can you prevent today’s conditions, results and finances from tricking your mind into believing they’ll be just the same tomorrow? How can you stop the “rear-view mirror thinking” that prevents you from looking straight ahead?
Ever since I decided to build my business, I have refused to look backward or throw in the towel.
But many around me did when we encountered a series of three major crises over a three-year period: all beyond our control. When the first crisis struck, I was well on the way to my first million. However, long-term use of a product began to reveal that it was unable to perform as expected.
Thousands of customers and team members left in a matter of months.
Crisis two and three presented equally challenging events. I could get into details, but the fact of the matter – regardless of the crisis – is that I had made a committed decision, built belief around it, and was passionately sustaining my original vision no matter what. These principles, my commitment to my team, and my burning desire were seeing me through extraordinary events that were causing significant difficulty.
I had viewed my decision to start my business as a destiny move. My goal was to build a better life for my children. All along I pursued it with such fervor, and my mind’s eye was so fixed on my vision of it, that I saw these freakish events as mere blips on my radar. They never stopped me from eventually getting what I wanted.
And so, I invite you to stop the rear-view mirror thinking and change your life.
Realize that we are all the sum total of yesterday’s choices, whatever they were. With rear-view mirror thinking, you allow yesterday’s undesirable results to dictate how you feel, how you think, and even how you act today, tomorrow, and the tomorrows after that.
But nothing says it has to be that way. You don’t have to let past or present circumstances obscure your vision of what you can Be, Do and Have.
What’s important is that you already have not only the freedom, but the capacity to choose a new vision, apply new actions and change your life.