Phyto Greens

Green is good. It’s as simple as that. Sure, we can get into the nitty-gritty details, but at the end of the day, as a rule of thumb, if it’s green it’s usually good for you. 

When it comes to good health and prevention, it’s all about the choices we make. 

 This applies to diet and exercise as well as the supplements that we choose to incorporate. 

 The tricky part is that there is a whole world of supplements for every possible ailment you can imagine, and it is challenging to sort the good from the bad (or the not so great). In order to simplify matters and to make your life a bit easier, I’d like to single out a product that is both healing and regenerative. 

 It will take the body on a cleansing and detoxifying process as well as build and balance the body. 

It’s imperative to have a daily product that maintains good health and provides you with plenty of energy without stimulants. 

 Some of you may be asking “Where to start?” and others are questioning their current regimen. 

 Budget is also an important factor and keeping products at a reasonable monthly rate is something I always keep in mind. I look at the products I use as a sort of health insurance and when I frame it in that way, it makes all the more sense to me as I hope it does to you. 

The brand I use and recommend is Phytogreens It is a whole food supplement – a basic of any broad-spectrum core product that everybody needs every day. 

Green foods have it all – they nutrify, detoxify and energize. 

 They are solid nutrition and give our organs what they need. With that said, the recommended daily amount of vegetables is only five. It’s no surprise that America, and many other parts of the world, are struggling with health and nutrition issues. 

They just aren’t getting enough green vegetables. With Phytogreens, you get the equivalent of six servings of green, red and yellow vegetables every day from a mere two teaspoons. It is a rich and comprehensive supply of whole food nutrients that work together to alkalize and detoxify thereby energizing the body. 

Let’s talk about energy and how we can help the body to be fully energized. 

We have a delicate balance in our biochemistry, and our body operates on a subtle and intricate electromagnetic current. We are, therefore, electromagnetic beings. Every organ in our bodies vibrates at a specific electromagnetic frequency. 

This is made possible through the body’s biochemistry. To give you the general idea, our food is broken down into tiny particles that are carried to our cells via electrical charges. Our cells communicate with each other through pulses of electricity. 

Everything inside of us emits fields of electrical vibrational current that can be measured in megahertz.

The electromagnetic frequency that the heart, brain and lungs vibrate at is about 70 megahertz. The liver, between 55 and 60, the colon 58 to 63, the stomach, 58 to 65, the top of the head 60 to 70 – so, you can see that everything falls right around 70 megahertz. 

 The energy contained in certain foods can also be measured in megahertz. The idea is to eat foods that have about the same megahertz that your major organs require in order to get you the energy you need. Makes sense, right? 

However, take chocolate cake as an example. 

The electrical charge of a piece of chocolate cake is between 1 and 3 measly megahertz. A Big Mac is a bit better, but still a mere 5 megahertz of vibrational energy. That is because these, and too many other foods that we eat, are lifeless. 

This means that they take more energy than they give us. 

Since we need 70 megahertz to maintain our vital organs, you can see that we’ve got to eat something besides Big Macs and chocolate cake. Otherwise, we’re operating at an energy deficit rather than an energy abundance. 

 That means that our organs won’t be functioning at peak performance and if the body doesn’t have the energy it needs, then it doesn’t do a good job of getting rid of waste and toxicity. This leads to declining health as well as the acceleration of aging. So, what can you eat then? Since green foods are both alive and alkaline forming, they have it all. 

They fall into the 70 to 90-megahertz range to energize your body.

Phytogreens is also packed with phytochemicals which work like natural chemical collectors to detoxify your body. 

 Phytochemicals wander through your 100 trillion cells and help you to get rid of the harmful substances that you accumulate every day from the air you breathe to the food and drink you put into your body, and probably some of the products that you put on your body. 

This detoxification goes hand in hand with nutrifying your body and putting in all the good stuff that most people just don’t get enough of from their food. 

When you get the toxins out and put good nutrition in, you’re creating a healthy alkaline environment and internal body balance. 

You’re also protecting yourself against disease. Most importantly, you’re getting energy. 

 It’s really just that simple. 

Choosing to incorporate a green foods supplement like Phytogreens is a choice to make, but a healthy one. You will be amazed when you compare your before and after results. I take Phytogreens at least twice a day – morning and night – as per the instructions on the canister.

It is a powder so you can mix it with water. Sometimes I drink it all throughout the day.

By clicking here, you can receive $10 off your first order. I’d love to know what you think and hear about what it does for you.

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