
When looking at your overall health, there are a few important factors to consider. I am a huge advocate for gut health, alkalizing, antioxidants, and minerals. The last of the four is something that isn’t often considered. 

We assume that we are getting enough from the food that we eat and while that may have been the case at some point in history, it really isn’t anymore. A lot of this has to do with the ways we produce and process our food. 

Naturally occurring minerals are crucial to incorporate into a balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

Minerals are vital nutrients that every human needs for virtually every bodily function and the prevention of disease. If minerals are not abundantly consumed and available for use by all the organs, the body will decide where to put whatever minerals are available from anywhere in your system.

I like to use the analogy of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. 

The body will do this by leaching minerals out of the least important organs and moving them to the most important ones. That’s not a good thing. To make the case for why everyone needs mineral supplementation, you just need to look to Senate Document 264. 

This document states that “The impoverished soil of America no longer provides plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health. Laboratory tests prove the fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs, milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts needed for perfect health. The stomach isn’t big enough to hold them. Physical, mental and moral fitness depends largely upon an ample supply, in proper proportion, of minerals in our body.”

Further, the minerals that we need in abundance, need to be available to our bodies. 

The body doesn’t assimilate minerals easily. This has always been a major challenge to the makers of mineral formulas. And I have to tell you, most mineral formulas don’t do the best job of delivering the goods to the body. It is important to evaluate quality, efficacy and safety when choosing a mineral supplement. 

Look for words like “bio-available” which indicates that a product can pass through the intestinal walls and be accepted by the cells. This is huge because minerals are critical to metabolic function at the cellular level. This is literally a life-sustaining benefit. 

A key to availability is fulvates – nature’s life-force energy. 

They empower all living organisms, and life-based land could not exist without them. Fulvates help break down inorganic material so it becomes available to living plants. Fulvates actually chelate the minerals in the soil and turn them into readily absorbable substances. This results in the fulvic acid compounds that are found in soil, plants, and ancient deposits – like the ionic trace mineral soils of the prehistoric Great Salt Lake and humic shale. 

It is also important to ensure that products do not contain heavy metals such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, plutonium and uranium. These can still be found in some products and are listed on their labels. 

The body needs an abundant supply of minerals and yet, they are very hard to absorb. 

Modere, however, has conquered this dilemma by making minerals absorbable. 

Revitalize is the mineral supplement that gets minerals right down to the body’s cellular level making it more effective as a disease fighter and energizer. 

There are a variety of health challenges that are related to mineral deficiencies and symptomatic problems. I’ve seen a lot of symptoms clear up when people introduce a balanced, broad spectrum mineral product that can be absorbed by the body. From magnesium to chromium, iron to zinc – to name only a few – our bodies are lacking so much when we aren’t supplementing. 

Minerals are important for creating functions that impact other functions and processes in the body. 

It’s a cascade effect – every mineral is like a little key that opens the way to better health in one department or another. With one or two servings a day of this great-tasting stick pack added to your water, you’re on track for all kinds of improvements. 

Do it first thing in the morning, every day.  Click here to order and get $10 off. 

That’s right, “Just Do It!” and your body will thank you in more ways that you can imagine.


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