love vs fear

“Love is Letting Go of Fear” by Gerald G. Jampolsky MD. When I read this book as a young woman, it had a deep and very powerful impact on me. I understood it immediately and it spoke to my soul. This book is that good. I recommend it to anyone with questions or thoughts on either topic. The basis of the book addresses how we grow up thinking that the two principal emotions are love and fear… or love vs fear.

We live our lives with both concepts in constant battle. 

Fighting for one to overcome the other. Feeling defeated when one loses. Feeling temporary success when one triumphs over the other. But this love vs fear dichotomy is problematic. We are in a constant state of one versus the other and there is no winner. 

There is no peace of mind or resolution when there is a constant push and pull.

What the author proposes in this book is that this dichotomy and constant struggle is something that we are taught at a very young age. They are social constructs that deserve to be challenged and contested. It is something that we are taught, or have become accustomed to, but that is not necessarily true. There is only love because fear is in fact, A CRY FOR LOVE. If one is a reflection of the other, then only one truly exists. 

This is something that we can not only accept, but work with. 

So, if there is only love and a cry for love, we are working and living in the same realm. This perspective is helpful and is so valuable. When you work with and encounter others, that may be mean or hurtful, to view their words and actions as a cry for love truly changes how we receive the information. When you view the world through this lens and see someone behaving poorly, it is very easy to see how, “hurt people, hurt people”. With this understanding, we don’t take their attacks personally. 

If someone is hurtful or appears malicious in their words or actions, it is very likely that they are coming from a place of fear, hurt, distrust, or even abandonment. 

These words and actions don’t come from nowhere. Nothing is unmotivated or untriggered. There is always a prequel to scenarios and events. When we are able to view situations in this light, we can step back and remove ourselves from the emotions. Rather than react, we can approach the interaction from a place of understanding.

As the famous Beatles song says, “All You Need is Love.”

And it really is true! Its power and meaning are unmatched and if we sit back and reflect upon various encounters, we will see where the love was present or where it was lacking. This view can help us to make amends, heal, as well as take actions to move forward. When we prioritize love in our lives, we will further value our worth, set goals for ourselves and enact positive change and growth. 

The ultimate lens to view the world through is love. When something makes no sense to us or we are hurt or angry, if we look at the person or situation with this lens, we will always find love. Using this perspective will give you more compassion and help you more easily solve issues. 

Hurt is a cry for love. 

Anger is a cry for love. Fear is a cry for love. 

And if we approach these situations with love, how can we change the narrative? How can we change our reactions or our responses to be filled with love? How can we reach out to this person in their most vulnerable and needful state?

In the book, the author maintains that “The world we see, that seems so insane, is the result of a belief system that is not working”. How many situations or even world events come to mind with this statement? What have you witnessed or are currently experiencing in your life that supports this idea? “To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system. Let the past slip away. Expand our sense of the now. And dissolve the fear in our minds.”

With this quote in mind, may you find peace. 

May you find solace. 

May you feel motivated and inspired to view the world through the lens of love vs fear. 

May this also give you empowerment to push forward and to show love to those who need it the most. 

Love vs fear will lead us down one path but love all-encompassing can bring us, and those around us, so much more. 

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