
Collagen is the most abundant compound in the body after water. 

Production of this vital compound starts decreasing as we age, starting in our mid-thirties. Collagen is critical because it’s what makes up our connective tissue and literally, it is what holds everything together. The word “kólla” is a Greek term which means glue. It is the glue that holds the body together. One strand of collagen is stronger than steel. It also is the fibrous protein found throughout our body in organs, muscles, skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones, blood vessels, tendons, joints, cartilage, and our digestive system. 

It is, however, not easy to find a source that is bioavailable, meaning that the body recognizes and is able to use. People are on a constant quest for a good and reliable source of collagen. It is one of the most searched terms online and is definitely all the buzz. 

So, what is all the excitement about? It’s the broad-spectrum benefits of getting collagen back into our systems. 

It is widely known for its beauty benefits

Improving hair, skin, and nails… but the health benefits are even more critical and less often talked about. With that said, we are starting to see it pop-up in health food stores and in food products such as protein bars and shakes, as well as teas and coffees. The reason for this is the necessity of including it in your diet and the importance of supplementing with a good, clean collagen for optimal health. 

Collagen helps to repair a leaky gut which can allow toxins, food particles, and infections to pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream, causing inflammation. This chronic inflammation, over time, can lead to autoimmunity. If you experience any autoimmune conditions, you would greatly benefit from adding it to your diet and/or supplementing with it. 

Collagen also helps to maintain joint health as it allows your joints, tendons, and ligaments to move more easily. 

As we age and we lose collagen, our joints can become stiff, swollen, and painful. Because collagen works to reduce inflammation, it helps reduce or eliminate this pain. It also supports bone formation, growth, and repair. We often think of calcium when we think of bone repair, but healthy bones are actually 1/3 collagen. 

The benefits continue as it can also help with weight management. It contains the amino acid glycine which converts glucose into energy. This forms muscle and gives your metabolism a boost. There is also some evidence of collagen reducing appetite as it gives the feeling of fullness after eating.

The other amino acid in collagen is called proline, which can help with heart health. It reduces the depositing of fat in your arteries. It can also work to repair arterial tissues. Finally, it assists with liver function and detoxification as glycine supports your liver with this process. Glycine is also known to support calm and restful sleep which is why it is often recommended to consume before bedtime. 

With all of these health benefits, eating foods or drinking beverages that contain collagen (pork skin, bone broth, etc.) is a great option, but sometimes difficult to maintain.

Because collagen is so crucial for the body and its systems, supplementing with it is really a necessity. It’s such an important compound that can benefit the body in so many ways. 

Liquid BioCell Life is the most bioavailable source of collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate. It is scientifically established and supported by clinical trials. It is the super nutraceutical that your body requires and that you don’t want to pass up trying. 

The picture on the left was taken in June 2015.  The picture on the right was taken in April 2020. Thanks to this amazing liquid collagen/HA supplement, I am aging backward like Benjamin Button! Literally, I drink my skincare.  Save $10 on your first purchase here

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