
When you create affirmations, you always write them in the present tense… 

You write them in present tense as if you now own what you don’t have yet. You read and speak them as often as you can every day. This choreographs the mysterious dance between the subconscious and the conscious mind that can eventually find you:

  • Challenging negative thoughts, words and beliefs right on the spot when they surface.

  • Immediately replacing negative thoughts with empowering, expansive visions of abundance.
  • Gradually transforming your mental attitudes, habits, emotional reactions, behaviors and literally everything in your external world.

The daily practice of affirmations can take you all the way to the manifestation of your dreams as realities.

"When Margie speaks you know it is genuine. When she shares a message she is right there with you inspiring & encouraging you along. Working with & learning from Margie Aliprandi will have a profound effect on your whole life."

— Kingsley Enis,
Business Expert

"From the first moment I first met Margie, I felt her radiance and warmth. Margie’s compelling personality and go for it leadership style bring out the best in all who are honored to work with her!"

– Ann Feinstein
Networking Professional

"Margie Aliprandi’s energy is contagious & her authenticity & wisdom make her one of the most loved & respected women in our profession. She exemplifies what it means to be A Flip Flop CEO by living a truly inspired life!"

-Janine Finney
Co-Author of “The Flip Flop CEO

"Margie’s ability to guide and assist in accessing your personal power is a huge asset to have in your arsenal, and the basic success principles she teaches will take you to the next level in your business and your life."

-Lisa Mace

"Margie is a stellar speaker and trainer that engages her audience–all while encouraging, educating, and equipping them to achieve great success! I highly recommend Margie as a speaker and trainer in our profession!"

– Sarah Robbins
Networking Leader, Speaker, Trainer

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